Friday, August 22, 2008

How to Make a Cup of Tea

Thanks to the English, I now have an obsession with tea. By obsession, I mean more than just the addition of a daily cup to my morning routine. My kitchen counter is decorated with a variety of teas, and I have become quite particular about when and how to prepare each type. For instance, a "rushed" early weekday morning (aka 11am) would involve an eye opening cup of classic Twining's english breakfast (tea bag in a cup) plus a dash of milk. A slower more relaxed morning calls for tasty black english caramel or black chocolate mint looseleaf tea with a substantial helping of 1% milk. The weekend and early afternoon involves a bit of green tea, steeped at cooler temps. For a relaxing late afternoon on a cool English day, some wonderfully fragrant jasmine dragon pearls (compliments of Cheryl and Amy) hit the spot! Each night I wind the evening down with decaf tea, usually of the herbal mint, lemon, or rose variety. It is amazing how much joy one can get from the prospect of a warm drink on a chilly English day. Friends are always welcome to pop on by for a cup and a chat. Usually a cookie is part of the deal. Although a scone, jam, and clotted cream make for tasty perfection.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey You. Much better video!