Monday, January 26, 2009

Things you never thought of doing while growing up in SoCal, part 2

Ice skating on the world's largest skating rink! Ottawa's Rideau Canal is 5 miles of zamboni'd fun.

Working on turning, stopping, and falling... Fortunately, I managed to not do all three.

While appearing completely out of my element, here was a happy familiar sight. A Canadian Royal Oak pub. I'm not sure if the pints would taste the same without a game of backgammon and some tasty potato wedges, chorizo and cheese.

Quickly enjoying a Canadian specialty, a beavertail fried pastry with cinnamon and sugar. I put my gloves back on shortly after Matthew snapped this photo. Did I mention that it's cold in Ottawa?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Taylor's turkey trek

While growing up in Orange County, there are some things you never think of doing... for example, snowshoeing with the Murphy's, a.k.a. racing across a field in 3 feet of powder. The turkey's must have been hiding. Maybe next year?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas in Canada

Christmas, a time to reflect, to revel in, and to cherish many of the things that give life meaning... a cup of Christmas tea, a hug by a wood fire stove, the glow of presents under a tree, warm sweet Christmas cake to share, an endless cookie cupboard, turkey dinner, games to play, an empty chalkboard canvas, a steep slope and an old toboggan, snowshoeing adventures, Bella dog bounding over snow banks, a gaze across a frozen lake, fields of white, a sweater to snuggle in, a buddy to snuggle with, fuzzy socks, pajamas, blueberry pancakes, the smell of pine, a welcoming tree with sapphire lights, welcoming family, laughter with new friends, laughter with old friends, love...